Case Study
Help For Heroes

It takes strength to get help. As a service of Brentwood Springs and other Springstone facilities, Help for Heroes® provides treatment and therapy specifically geared toward active duty men and women, veterans, and first responders who routinely face trauma, physical and mental stress, and life-threatening situations.
The Challenge
These individuals have their own unique experiences, and yet, they share many common challenges. Kevin challenged us to raise awareness of H4H.
The Solution
We started by going to the heart of the issue, sharing stories of those who selflessly served others, but struggled with their own hardships. Chris Fields, a retired Oklahoma City firefighter joined us for a tour of the Oklahoma City Memorial and Museum. Chris was one of the first responders at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building after a truck packed with explosives destroyed most of the building and so many lives in the tragic Oklahoma City bombing of 1995. 168 people died in the attack, including 19 children who were in the building’s daycare. Over 650 were injured and so many lives were changed forever, including Chris Fields’. One of the most rewarding aspects of our work is the opportunity to tell the incredible, meaningful stories of some truly exceptional individuals. We were privileged to meet Kevin Zimmerman, a U.S. Army veteran, 2-time Soldier’s Medal recipient, author, and National Director of Outreach for Help for Heroes®. We worked alongside Chris, Kevin, and the Help for Heroes team to create impactful, heartfelt video pieces. These videos detail the struggles of those suffering from PTSD, TBI, addiction, and other needs, focusing on the care they can receive and the bravery it takes to accept that help.
Let’s Work Together
4101 N. St. Joseph St.
Evansville IN, 47720