Vincennes Police Department

Maximizing Deputy Recruitment




The Vincennes Police Department takes pride in protecting their local community. They were looking for a recruitment campaign that would show the positive impact the department has on their community.

The Challenge:

The Vincennes Police Department learned that they were three police officers short. They needed to fill the spots quickly and wanted to make sure they had at least 30 qualified applicants.


We decided to put together a recruitment campaign on a budget. We focused our efforts on creating a sincere recruitment video along with a website dedicated to the benefits of being a Vincennes Police Officer. I directed, shot, and edited the recruitment videos as well as designed and developed their website at

I think it has been a successful campaign for sure not only for the hiring process but public outreach. We saw more applicants with bachelors and associates degrees completed than usual.

Dusty Luking

Chief of Police,
Vincennes Police Department

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